Participating Hospitals

Welcome to the hospital outcomes section of the Clinical Outcomes Assessment Program (COAP) web site where you can find detailed information on the performance of Washington State hospitals in the area of cardiac care. What you will learn on this site is that all Washington State hospitals are doing a very good job in cardiac care, and our state is out-performing the national average in many areas. We hope that this site will be used by hospitals for their internal quality improvement initiatives; and by heart patients and their loved ones as information to discuss with their doctor.

COAP is a truly unique and ground-breaking collaborative. This physician-led quality improvement activity is aimed at improving the quality of care for patients with heart disease who are treated in Washington hospitals. Through COAP, hospitals have been working together since 1997 to share and learn from comparative cardiac care performance information—and they have steadily improved. There have been significant improvements in many areas, and Washington State hospitals have much to be proud of! We are very fortunate to live in a state where we can be assured that every hospital is dedicated to making sure that you are getting the best possible care by participating in quality improvement efforts such as COAP. To keep the momentum going, and to work for even greater improvement, we are now making COAP data publicly available for several key clinical measures.

In Washington State, there are 34 hospitals that perform Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI), 18 of which also perform Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) and Valve surgeries. Hospitals have voluntarily agreed to make information about their performance available publicly. The few that are not disclosing data at this time may have chosen not to for a variety of reasons, which can be discussed with your physician or surgeon. Data from CABG & Valve surgeries and PCI are included on this site. COAP measures are all “outcomes” measures, meaning that they measure the end result of the treatment—how patients fared.

In the following table, you will see whether your hospital performed better, not as good as, or within the range of the state average for each of the measures. You will also see comparisons to the statewide average. It is very important to note that there are many reasons why one hospital’s results might look different from another’s and that while a hospital may not be currently performing within the range of the state average, they may still be significantly better than the national average. We encourage you to discuss this information with your physician or surgeon. The data reported is from the 2013 annual risk-adjusted clinical reports. It highlights outcomes from 2013 for PCI and CABG surgery. Because of the relatively small number of valve surgeries performed, valve surgery outcomes are reported as 3-year averages for 2011-2013.

Hospitals Out of Compliance with COAP Quality Improvement Standards

VA Puget Sound Health Care

Hospitals participating in COAP,

their hospital‐identified clinical outcomes information and details about each of the measures:

Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI)

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (CABG)

Valve Surgeries

Levels of Participation

The COAP Quality Improvement Plan describes two levels of participation. A hospital that is “participating in full compliance with community QI standards” has met community standards for data completeness, timeliness and reliability. Additionally, if one or more process or outcome measures are significantly outside the state mean, an acceptable improvement plan is in place, and outliers have not exceeded the threshold upon re-measurement. A hospital that does not meet all of these criteria is considered to be “participating in partial compliance with community QI standards.” Participation status is assessed and updated twice a year.

The Puget Sound Health Alliance “strongly encourages hospitals’ and physicians’ voluntary participation in COAP/SCOAP for quality improvement purposes.” –Puget Sound Health Alliance Board of Directors, January 2008